Eves of Destruction
Premiere roller derby league
Eves of Destruction
Premiere roller derby league
Contact Us
Contact Us
President: Baddie Bing Baddie Boom
Vice-President: Skylord
Secretary: Gorge Bush
Treasurer: Veronica D. Vile
Brawlers Representative: Bruise Clues
Villains Representative: Grim Steeper
Daisy Pushers Representative: Wheels of Fortune
Hard Cores Representative: Green Bean
WFTDA / Charter Representative: The Frenzie
This form is a catchall and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate committee.
Send us a confidential email.
The Eves of Destruction are grateful to live, train, and play the sport that we love on the unceded territory of several First Nations, including the Lək̓ʷəŋən People, known today as the Songhees and xʷsepsum (Kosapsum) Nations, and the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations: SȾÁUTW (Tsawout), W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), W̱SIḴEM (Tseycum), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), and MÁLEXEŁ (Malahat). We recognize the complex histories and the ongoing relationships that these Nations have with this land and as a league we prioritize taking meaningful steps towards reconciliation actions, decolonization, and building relationships in our communities.
A few local organizations you can support are:
Victoria Native Friendship Centre | Indigenous Perspective Society | RAVEN: Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs
Our games take place at Archie Browning Sports Centre in Esquimalt, BC. Get Directions!